Management Guide

  1. Owners List

The owners list should be an excel spreadsheet of all the voting units in your corporation. We require the following format:

Unit # Name 1 Name 2 Email 1 Email 2 Owner Occupant? In Arrears?
101 John Johnson Mary Johnson john@gmail mary@gmail Yes No
102 Mike Michaels mike@hotmail Yes No
103 Olivia Oliver olivia@yahoo No No
104 Jen Jenson Jon Jensen jen@gmail jon@yahoo Yes Yes

Unit Number, Owner Name(s), Email(s), Owner-Occupant Status (if there is an owner-occupant vote), Arrears Status. We ask that you please delete any irrelevant fields. All units should be listed in a unique row, meaning the total number of rows should equal the total number of voting units. Please note that our system can accommodate multiple email addresses per unit, however, multiple email addresses must be in separate columns. Ex. Unit #, Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, Email 1, Email 2, Email 3.

  1. Preliminary Notice

While the majority of the preliminary notice can be completed in the same format as it normally would for an in-person meeting, there are a few additions in Section 2 that you may want to consider when preparing your preliminary notice for a virtual meeting. See below for a preliminary notice with sample wording you can use:

Once your preliminary notice has been finalized, we ask that you please send us the preliminary notice as one (1) pdf document. 

  1. Notice of Meeting

Much like the preliminary notice, the majority of the notice of meeting can be completed in the same format as it normally would be for an in-person meeting. There are however a few additions in sections 2, 5, and 6 that you may want to consider when preparing your notice of meeting for a virtual meeting. See below for a notice of meeting with sample wording you can use: *Note that if you have an electronic voting/meeting by-law, you can mark sections 5 and 6 as “yes”.

Once your notice of meeting package has been finalized, we ask that you please send us the notice of meeting as one (1) pdf document.